
Jewish Studies professor receives Katz Center fellowship – Penn State News Feature

Jewish Studies professor receives Katz Center fellowship – Penn State News Feature

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Tobias Brinkmann, head of the Jewish Studies program in Penn State’s College of the Liberal Arts, and the Malvin E. and Lea P. Bank Associate Professor of Jewish Studies and History, has been selected as a spring 2021 fellow by the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. He began his work on Jan. 4 with approximately 20 other scholars, each of whom is addressing the center’s 2021 theme — “America’s Jewish Questions” —through their research.

In a letter offering the fellowship to Brinkmann, Steven Weitzman, the Ella Darivoff Director of the Katz Center, said the fellowship has two goals: to support research and to foster intellectual community among fellows from a range of disciplines and areas of focus. The fellowship, which concludes on April 30, will result in an edited volume of scholarship to be published by the University of Pennsylvania Press.

Read the whole feature by Susan Burlingame here.