A graduate minor is comprised of fifteen credits for doctoral minor or nine for master’s minor, with a maximum of six for the Ph.D. and four for an M.A. minor at the 400 level. With our robust offerings at the 400 level, and new and existing courses at the 500 level, there are already enough options to sustain a minor. Additionally, other units on campus, including the School of International Affairs, frequently offer courses on a one-time basis that could count for the minor, especially with a related research project. Students will work with the program graduate advisor Professor Sabine Doran to design a course of study and we will encourage students to speak with Professor Adler about counting courses that are not listed below.
Students are required to take either JST/GER 524 or 536 in order to complete the minor. If these courses have not been offered with sufficient frequency during their time taking courses, they can petition to replace this requirement with a related course.

Recommended Foundation Courses
- JST/GER 524: Remapping the Holocaust
- JST/GER 536: Global Cultures of Genocide
Graduate Level Courses
- G/VSTUD 532: Holocaust and Visual Culture
- JST/GER 524: Remapping the Holocaust
- JST/GER 536: Global Cultures of Genocide
- G/VSTUD 537: Photography, Race, Genocide
- GER 538: German Expansionism, War and Violence
- HIST 523: Colonialism and Mass Death
Graduate Level Courses that will count only if the student writes the seminar paper on a relevant topic
- GER 540: Jewish Vienna*
- HIST 540: Native American History*
*only if the seminar paper is on a relevant topic
Approved Upper-Level Courses
- JST/HIST 439: Women and the Holocaust
- JST/HIST 426: Holocaust and History
- JST/RLST 478: Ethics after the Holocaust
- J/H/R 409Y: Antisemitisms
- JST/ASIA: Hiroshima and the Holocaust
- PLSC 451: Politics of Human Rights
- JST/PLSC 450H: Genocide and Tyranny
- ANTH 444: The Evolution of War
- PLSC/AFR 443: Ethnic Conflict in Africa
We also strongly encourage graduate minors in Holocaust and Genocide Studies (HGS) to consider serving as a Teaching Assistant (TA) for a lower-level HGS course. The course would depend on enrollments and interests, but JST 195, Genocide in Global perspectives: Twentieth Century and Beyond, and JST/HIST 121 History of the Holocaust would be obvious choices. Some form of these introductory courses are offered by many university programs and experience as a TA would certainly impress potential employers. The Jewish Studies Program has funding available to compensate both TA and RA positions.
The doctoral minor will require the completion of a minimum of 15 credits in a field related to, but different from, that of the student’s graduate major program. Official requests to add the minor to a doctoral student’s academic record must be submitted to Graduate Enrollment Services prior to establishment of the Ph.D. committee and prior to scheduling the comprehensive examination. At least one Graduate Faculty member from the minor field must serve on the candidate’s Ph.D. committee.
The master’s minor requires a minimum of 9 credits in a field related to, but different from, that of the student’s graduate major program. For students in a research master’s degree, a minimum of 3 credits must be at the 500 level for the master’s minor. For students in a professional master’s degree, at least 50 percent of credits must be at the 500 or 800 level.