
Holocaust and Genocide Studies Certificate

Holocaust and Genocide Studies Certificate

The Holocaust and Genocide Studies Certificate program is designed to provide students a wide-ranging and interdisciplinary foundation in the study of the Holocaust and related fields of genocide, antisemitism and prejudice, and historical trauma.

Through a flexible and student-centered course of study beginning with a foundational course in the Holocaust and including a wide variety of elective classes to choose from in history, cultural studies, philosophy and ethics, literary and film studies, and political science, students will be exposed to a diversity of approaches to understanding and interpreting mass eliminationist violence in human history.

If you’ve completed the requirements and want to register for the certificate, you will need to submit the completed approval form to the registrar’s office.

If you’d like to discuss the program, or are ready to register, please feel free to reach out to our Assistant Director Rob Jones, Undergraduate Officer Eric Fleisch or Jewish Studies Director Professor Tobias Brinkmann.


Course Requirements for the Holocaust and Genocide Certificate

Students enrolled in the certificate program will take at least 12 credits, usually four courses, choosing from an approved list. A grade of C or better is required for all courses in the certificate program.

Introductory Course (3 Credits)

  • JST/HIST 121: History of the Holocaust
  • JST/HIST 195 (GER 123): Genocide in Global Perspectives: Twentieth Century and Beyond

Supporting Courses (9+ Credits)

  • JST/CMLIT/ENGL 128: The Holocaust in Film and Literature
  • GER/RUS 143: The Culture of Stalinism and Nazism
  • JST/HIST 143N: History of Fascism and Nazism
  • HIST 153: Native American History
  • JST/HIST 409Y (and RL ST 407Y): Antisemitisms
  • JST/HIST 426: Holocaust
  • JST/HIST 439: Women and the Holocaust
  • AFR/PLSC 443: Ethnic Conflict in Africa
  • JST/PLSC 450H: Genocide and Tyranny
  • PLSC 451: The Politics of Human Rights
  • JST 474 (HIST/ASIA 457): Hiroshima and the Holocaust
  • JST/RLST 478: Ethics After the Holocaust

Additional courses, including study abroad programs, transfer credits, and possible independent study projects, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.